Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, see our support center.
Once we accept your application, you receive an email confirmation from the NSN team. We welcome you to NSN Membership and provide your membership details (including your login details for the members’ area).
Membership will commence after payment by bank payment or transfer.
If you apply for membership and we don't process your application before a deadline,
email "" and be assured that your email will be responded to.
Your membership begins on the day that you make your membership payment.

Your expiry date can be found on your membership welcome email
If your email is already in use, you already have a non-member account with us, which we created when you registered for one of our meetings or services.

Please don’t create a new profile, but email ( and we will provide you with your login details. You can then log in and continue your application.
Go to the members area on our website and log in. Click on edit your membership application and edit or add information to your application.
If you copy and paste your username and password from an email that we sent, be careful not to select any blank spaces before or after as these count as characters and so your login details will be incorrect.

If you still have problems logging in, contact and we will help you.
To join the NSN, you need to complete an application form and pay the membership fee.
Take a look at our annual membership fees.