

Membership registration at any level category is a one-off fee of  N5000.


NSN have four (4) categories of membership

Undergraduates and Unemployed Postgraduate

This membership status opens to undergraduate and unemployed postgraduate (with the evidence of identity card).

Employed Postgraduate

Employed Postgraduate

Lecturer 1 and below

This opens to the Lecturer 1 and below category

Senior Lecturer and above

This opens to the Lecturer 1 and below category

**Note that the membership registration fees or annual due is non-refundable
Application Procedure:
  • Click the on "Application form "link below and fill     the form to start your application process.


  • After successful application, make a bank payment to the given account details bellow.


Account Details 

Account Name: Neuroscience Society of Nigeria,

Bank: FCMB,

Account Number: 3266848011.


  • Send your evidence of payment to any of the following for verification:

1.  Dr. Eberechi U. Wogu  (+2347033098930)

2. Dr Agnes Akudo Nwakanma (08037738053)


  • Wait for your payment verification. Payment verification usually take 0 - 48hrs.


  • After verification a unique number will be sent to your Email , and that is your pass code.


  • Log on to our membership page to check your membership status and print your membership certificate.


Are you an applicant but didn't receive confirmation message?

Resend Email Now
Become a Member today
Click the button below and start your application process.
Application Form
Do you want to login and verify your membership status and also print your certificate? Click the link below.
Membership Status





  • Reduced registration rate for NSN conference


  • Automatic membership of SONA and IBRO


  • Free copy of newsletter when produced


  • Information on research and training opportunities for all  members


  • Eligibility for travel assistance to NSN conferences and workshops


  • Eligible to apply and be awarded funds from Organizations that NSN is associated with e.g. SONA, IBRO, ISN, etc.


  • Support internship of letters and guidance on open Fellowships






  • Use the NSN account to receive grants for projects and meetings especially when remittance to individual accounts are not accepted by funding agancies.


  • Eligible to publication discounts in special issues of the journal of the Society (Nigerian Journal of Neuroscience)


  • Eligible to be appointed into any subcommittee of NSN


  • Eligible to vote and be voted for into any office of NSN


  • Eligible to be conferred with Fellowship of the Society.


Do you want to pay your membership due?
Pay Annual Due